Got chocolate milk?

Enjoy your favorite childhood drink again—without the guilt.

Grandma—and OK, those Got Milk ads—were certainly right about how “milk does a body good.” And now research shows that our favorite childhood drink—chocolate milk—isn’t just for kids anymore. This delicious beverage is a fast-acting, whole food alternative that is not just satisfying—it also aids in exercise recovery.

Adequate protein and a good source of carbohydrates after training are critical for stimulating protein regeneration in our muscles, replenishing glycogen storage and preventing catabolism, i.e., breakdown of muscles. To prevent breakdown, roughly 0.1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight is recommended after training. One cup of chocolate milk is rich in essential amino acids (EAA) and carbohydrates, and provides about 7.5 grams of protein. Also, studies show that when chocolate milk is compared against other sports drinks, it’s superior in increasing endurance during exercise and as a recovery fuel. After all, milk is rich in whey, the highest quality protein available, contains the right amount of carbs per cup, and is loaded with potassium, vitamins A and D, and riboflavin, which are all needed for muscle, immune and bone health as well as for energy metabolism.?

The sports beverage industry has tried to keep up with the chocolate milk trend by offering ready-to-drink selections with many varieties available. But convenient, on-the-run fuel unfortunately comes with several drawbacks, including artificial ingredients, excess calories and too much lactose—the milk sugar that causes gas and cramping for those with limited tolerance.

The taste of premixed shakes is no match to our homemade AGB Style enriched, lactose-free chocolate milk made of whey isolate (which is more digestible than the concentrate form) and almond milk. The shake boasts 28 grams of protein, which is equal to a 4-oz lean chicken breast and is more than enough for post-exercise muscle repair. At 180 calories and nearly fat-free (1.5 grams of fat), it’s perfect for those watching their weight while meeting 25% of the daily recommendation for calcium. Our drink even provides 2 grams of fiber, helping you feel satiated longer. Its rich chocolate flavor is enhanced by the texture of the almond milk and potassium-rich bananas. Unsweetened almond milk contains only half the calories of whole milk. The coffee booster will also help with muscle recovery, rushing carbs back into the muscles and sparing protein for building, not to mention adding a cerebral kick to jumpstart your day.

Do it yourself
1 scoop of chocolate whey protein isolate
½ c. low fat unsweetened almond milk
½ small banana?
2 tbsp of fat-free plain Greek yogurt
½ tsp of vanilla
½ tsp cinnamon?
½ c. organic brewed coffee

1. Add all ingredients together in blender.
2. Puree, chill and serve.