CofE, Boko Haram and priorities

Some of the most interesting engagements that came out of the CofE's response to same-sex marriage (ssm) included such glorious comments as: "Why doesn't it (the CofE) get its priorities right and get concerned with Boko Haram?" Another person asked, "Why does the church have to have any view as everyone was saying that no one would be forced to conduct such a service in church?" A TV broadcast showed a couple of blokes, one of whom saying that he'd like a marriage because this is what the society he grew up in did and this prompted some interesting comments (and some explicit language) surrounding the fact that when he grew up the world treated this whole issue very differently (thank goodness we've changed a bit since then).

It seems to me that those I know of in West Africa have their struggles with members of other faiths because those faiths see the ssm and the whole Western sexuality issues (in terms of Church) as being something that add an apostate dimension to the word 'Christian'. Add to this the Islam vs the West attitudes and the caveat that the Church might use for their being a faith body and it is easy to see how church and politics coalesce and they become (in the eyes of some) a legitimate target. The fundamentalist Muslim takes as his (or her) support for action against the Christians the teachings of the prophet and look to Surah 7:81 for support in acting against an apostate religious body with regard to homosexuality. It looks at the money-grabbing and corrupt within the Church (5:105) and the lax teachings on fidelity within marriage (17:32) and so many other aspects (you cannot blame the situation on just one aspect but all conspire to make an apostate whole) of error and weakness and derive from it what is, in their eyes and teaching, a legitimate target.

For the Church to be seen making a stand against those issues which make the Church appear 'in touch' with society and out of touch with Biblical entreaties and commands is to weaken the stand against the Church (a bit, but don't hold your breath, not much) and to stand for the orthodoxy that weakens and opens us to attack from others. So perhaps the statement yesterday is actually something that does look at the Boko Haram situation. But of course it won't be popular with others ;-) (but those I converse with in West Africa tell me it is a welcome statement for them)

Regarding the second point about 'being forced'. I think it is obvious that whilst this is the line to be taken now it wouldn't be long before someone takes this (in their eyes) infringement against their human rights off somewhere and the situation is changed by a bunch of 'nutters in wigs' (the view of one of those living outside our walls regarding the court of human rights). If the line is drawn and the position is clearly stated then at least you know where the CofE stands. And as one person put it this morning, <1>"Some of us are in favour of same same-sex marriage!"

Yes this is true, but not all and this is the reality that needs to be lived with. Well this and the reality that I know more than a few with whom I am friends and yet whom I know would cease fellowship (publicly with the body - I'm sure we'd continue as friends) should the CofE ever support ssm.

The final point (and I did see the broadcast late last night) is that indeed the older generation grew up with marriage as the norm and you know what, it still is! In fact the man and woman I married on Saturday were exactly as the couples were when the homosexual chap in the news item was thinking of marriage in the dim and distant past - one man, one woman. What the chap spoke so wistfully of was a new construction and different beast and yet so many seem to forget this.

I'm grappling with the report and find, like the Curate's egg, not all of it is bad (or good perhaps?) but I can understand the intent. I just need to resolve the theology (and this looks as busy as, if not busier than, last month.

Still, isn't it great when the Church makes the headlines? The number of people who want to engage with us is absolutely fantastic and the opportunity for dialogue is priceless.


ps. Sorry about the length and structure - literally a seven minute splurge whilst having a cuppa before rushing out again. Hope it makes some sense.