Single Fathers: Tackling the Role of Responsibility

With Father's Day on the horizon, AGB Style takes a moment to celebrate the many men who put in the work to be called "dad".   Particularly, single fathers who cook, clean, help with homework, change diapers and pay the bills.

The truth is, while everyone is aware of the "Dead-Beat Dad", few acknowledge the many single fathers that are taking the full responsibility of raising their children everyday.

When it comes to parenting there is no denying the fact that father's play a vital role in the development of children.  Ross Brooks (pictured) fulfills his design as a father with his young son by being an active part of his life and establishing a real relationship with him.  What Ross loves most is, "the fact that my son loves me unconditionally."

Ross, who works as firefighter, is an avid coach in his son's extra-curricular activities (soccer and basketball), and says " the real reward of a fatherhood is to seeing his child achieve his goals growing up".