The King has no clothes

Or so it appears when it comes to art at London's Haywood gallery and their 'invisible' exhibition.

Among the many things you won't see is a motion film shot without film in the camera, a piece of paper the 'artist' stared at for one thousand hours, empty plinths, drawings done in invisible ink and many empty spaces for the visitor to use their imagination with. There's even an erased Playboy centrefold for you to not see!

Ralph Rugoff, the Hayward Gallery's director, describes the exhibition thus: "It is not a joke, this is the best exhibition you'll never see."

Well, even though this exhibition has been put on a par with John Cage's 4'33" (the length of the silent piece) I have to say that the one thing that won't be seen at the gallery is me!

What made the whole thing more ridiculous for me was the explanation on one of the radio broadcasts featuring this exhibition by an exhibitor who explained that blank walls gave one visitor the opportunity to see something different from the next visitor and better still (really?) the opportunity to see what the artist themselves couldn't see. This was, "Art at its most exciting!"

The artist is in the all-together it seems!

Happy Sunday