Twitter as a barometer

One of the funny things about my posts over the past few of days is that, using Twitter, you can see the opinions register in much the same way as the 'clapometer' used to on some of the old TV talent shows!

Recently I wrote something and saw the 'followers' rise quite markedly. Then I wrote something which some didn't like (a few pm'd me to tell me before they left) and the numbers of 'followers' sank a bit.

I rather like this immediate response device, a bit like the stall warning flap on the leading edge of a wing it tells you when you are running out of air or perhaps about to enter into a bit of excitement (mind you letting the wing drop and kicking in loads of opposite rudder realllly makes it exciting - especially in a Harvard!!).

I know that when I rush in a splurge that it doesn't always make sense and that at other times (especially when remotely on an iPhone) the words are sometimes jumbled and the path through the wilderness of my mind is a long and winding road that leads to . . . . But thanks you to those who do keep up and mail me comments or post them on the blog, it's a real blessing and an aid (or perhaps a panacea) to my particular form of madness (something I need to address regarding others when I get back from inducting Chaplains).
