South Sudan Sitrep

Warrior Security Country Manager Jonathan Simpson appraises the current situation in South Sudan:

'The current border tension that peaked in April with the invasion of Heglig has steadily reduced during May. The fighting that was widespread across large sections of Upper Nile, Unity, Warrap and Northern Bahr El Ghazal borders with the North has reduced significantly. Added to that, the withdrawal of both sides' troops from the Abyei area indicates a willingness to follow the new AU roadmap.

Talks between the two countries have resumed in Addis Ababa and it was rumoured beforehand that a deal on the transit revenue for the oil pipeline may have been green-lighted by both sides. Early reports from the talks indicate they have started well, however the next few days will be crucial.

A large number of returnees from the North have been arriving in Juba, up to a thousand a day at its peak, most arriving by boat. The UNHCR have set up an additional camp to facilitate them.

Crime: Motorcycle theft is high, and whilst there have been relatively low levels of street crime reported, an escalation in drunken and threatening behaviour has been noted, most occurring at restaurants and bars around Juba

There have been a number of fuel shortages during May, particularly petrol (gasoline) and whilst only lasting a few days at a time, a pattern is emerging.'