Ten thoughts about last night's Press Awards

Walter Greenwood accepts the Journalists' Charity Special Award from Amy Williams and John Humphrys

i) The Telegraph and Will Lewis deserve all they got. Clearest winners for years.
ii) The red tops should get a better deal - particularly in sport.
iii) Walter Greenwood has saved a lot of journalists' skins and made an understated contribution to the industry. A thoroughly deserved award.
iv) In another year Jacqui Smith putting adult films on expenses would have walked away with Scoop of the Year.
v) Nick Ferrari should have been on stage instead of sipping (he had a 6am show in the morning) white wine on the judges' table.
vi) Boris Johnson should be a full-time comedian ... perhaps he is. Listen to his speech. 
vii) What no women? Speakers included many middle-aged men ... Bob Satchwell, Chris Boffey, Boris Johnson, Dominic Ponsford, John Humphrys ... but  only two non-journalist women cameos. Lady Cudlipp and Olympic slider Amy Williams.
viii) Double blow for Andrew Rawnsley ... didn't win and his name was spelt wrong in the programme. Ransle?
ix) Had the best table mates I could have wished for. Two women ex-editors (how rare are they?), Eve Pollard and Anita Syvret. Also David Banks, ex-Mirror editor, who is good craic and a generous man. Four bottles of wine at the end of the night ... £170. I owe him.
x) Enjoyable night, well done to all. A good show. Makes me even more depressed that the regional awards have been shelved.

Full list of winners