Back to basics ...

Here are some basic training tips that, on the evidence of these recent examples, we clearly need to revisit.

1. Don't cut and paste from brochures. Good sub-editors should know how to read ... and to edit.

2. Have good taste and a dirty mind ... so that you keep the innuendo and double meanings out of the publication.

This rule also applies to the advertising department.

And it certainly applies to the relationship between pictures and words.

3. Libel by juxtaposition is very rare, I'm pleased to say. It usually just leads to giving people a laugh at your paper's expense. 

4. Always, always, always check your sources, something that AOL appeared to have forgotten here. The web is not a reliable source of facts ... go to original sites.  

5. Watch out for that old favourite of disaffected sub-editors ... the abuse of drop caps.

More to follow ...