Check Your Vision: Envision Your Future

When was the last time you had your vision checked? I don't mean an eye exam.

Your vision is altogether different. It's not what you see with your eyes. It's what you "see" for yourself in the future. It's how you envision your life unfolding.

And it's just as important as your eyesight—if not more so.  Ray Charles had a bold vision for his life—and he made it happen!
Without a vision, you're meandering through your days without direction or purpose.
Without a vision, you're more likely to be stymied by the road bumps of each day.
Without a vision, you're just living. Maybe.

I'm sure you have goals. Almost everyone does. You might want to get a raise or a promotion. You may want to buy a new car or a home.  
Those are great goals. But they're not a vision. A vision is much more; it's bigger than a mere achievement.  
A vision articulates the impact you want to have on others. And it might take a lifetime to achieve.  
Having a vision is vital to your survival, to your revival. And your journey—your way out and up—just might be an inspiration to others. To people you don't even know.
Almost everyone has 20/20 eyesight. Even most of us who have always opened our eyes each morning and seen nothing but a fuzzy mess can see clearly with eyeglasses or laser surgery.
But you don't need a doctor to fix poor vision. There's no medical procedure needed to see beyond the fuzzy mess of today.
Check your own vision. Then correct it. Create it. Live it.