Read all about it ... News of the World

Here are today's front pages, courtesy of @suttonnick. There's nothing quite like a dog eat dog story to inspire the headline writers. The Telegraph and The Northern Echo are both well done (although the latter could do with a bit of kerning). Hacked to death by The Times and the Mirror is a nice line - if slightly diminished because it was used as a joke by Hugh Grant on Question Time. End of the World and World's End are the obvious ones. The Mail brings its indignation to the table, while The FT and Guardian play it straight. The Star tries hard to contrive a between link the two stories of the day - but Emma Watson was always going to win over Rebekah Brooks. The picture of Brooks is powerful and used well in The Echo, Guardian and Mail. But the archive photograph of Murdoch with the old News of the World - the first paper he brought in Britain 42 years ago and one that was particularly special to him - is pretty poignant. Strong pages on a sad and damaging day. There is plenty of hand-rubbing by the paper's detractors but nobody should feel any joy in seeing a 168-year-old institution closed down and some excellent (and blameless) journalists thrown out of their jobs.