Here are my contenders for headline and picture of the week from the regional papers. It's not every day that you can get bouncy castle into a sans caps front page headline ... but the Daily Post in North Wales managed it. It certainly builds a vivid picture. I love the subhead too - don't you just want to know what is so serious about an breaking an 'inflatables ban' that forces someone to flee to South Africa? Thanks to the Daily Mail's Peter Campbell for sending me a copy.
Meanwhile the Hull Daily Mail made the most of a huge firing squad shot by using it as a very powerful wraparound. It shows 700 workers threatened with redundancy at BAE’s factory in Brough. Deputy editor Paul Hartley says: "It brings into focus the human face of these job cuts. It’s also a brilliant example of how a good photo can be worth a thousand words."
"The idea for the photo came from Sports Editor Paul Baxter and Assistant News editor Natalie Murphy. We then enlisted the help of the shop stewards to rally the workers by email, text and word of mouth for the photo call. Picture Editor Jim Mitchell took the pic from the top of a ladder leaning against a lamppost. It was our exclusive."
Good headline too. Excellent execution - and a further example of how creative and effective regional papers can be.
Please send me your contenders for best headline/picture/intro and I will post the best here.