Controlling Winter Eczema

If you suffer from eczema, it may seem that your problems get worse in the winter. You may figure it has something to do with the weather. You could be right because cold, dry air can play a role in flare ups. But, then again, the weather may not be the only changes that have occurred and what you are doing could be causing more problems than the low temperatures.

Outdoor Activities
Warm seasons are generally associated with outdoor activities, but some people spend a lot of time outside in the fall and winter. Those who work outdoors probably have little choice. Then, there are household tasks such as tending to fall gardens, raking leaves, and shoveling snow, that also needs to be done. There are also activities that you may want to do, such as sledding, ice skating, and attending football games.

What you need to realize is that the more time you spend outside, the more you increase your chances of aggravating your eczema, especially if you don't take measure to counteract the conditions you are exposing yourself to.
BathingOn a blustery day, when you have been on the go, a hot shower or bath can seem like a savior, feeling as if its warmth reaches to your soul. But, when you have eczema, what actually happens with those hot showers is that you spend the season drying out your skin and robbing it of nutrients. Even when the temperatures drop, you need to keep your bathing water warm. It also becomes increasingly important to use a moisture rich body cleanser.

most sources of heat produce dry air that can can dry out your skin. To help reduce some of those effects, try to avoid baking yourself in the house or in your vehicle. Use blankets and extra layers of clothing for added warmth. Also, invest in a humidifier to circulate moisture throughout your home.It's natural to turn up the heat when you're cold, but you need to realize that most

You may be failing to counteract the drying circumstances of the season, which means you could be aggravating your eczema. In the summer, you may apply moisturizer once a day and do fine. When it's cold, you really should moisturize more often and you should also use a thick moisturizer such as body butter if you aren't already in the habit.

Wardrobe Changes
When it's cold, you may start wearing different types of clothing and that may include different fibers.. Remember that wool and polyester are not generally recommended for people with eczema. Certain dyes can also aggravate the condition. Be observant of changes in your wardrobe that may be linked to flare ups.

Also, be aware that sweat can aggravate eczema. This is particularly important for those add extra layers of clothing and then engage in physical work. Make sure that the layers closest to your body are breathable and absorbent fabrics.
You can't control the weather but you can control how your respond to it. If you make the right choices, winter eczema may become a thing of the past.