Stress-Busting Secrets for Busy Folks

Everybody’s job is stressful, but not everyone suffers equally. Unfortunately, all that mental anguish has serious consequences: A new study from Yale University reports that prolonged stress actually shrinks the size of your brain, raising the risk of cognitive disorders and reducing your brain’s ability to deal with that stress.  

Here are some tips that may help you manage your own stress and deal with the many daily challenges you may face. 

Strategize. Take the time to thoroughly study the issues you face, including potential unintended consequences and plan Bs and Cs—like a chess player, or, well, a general. Think it through until you’re at least 80 percent sure, then go for it, and don’t be afraid to course-correct over time. Being ready to adjust makes the surprises in your job less stressful.

Laugh it off.  After a bad day, laugher can help to assuage stress.  Share a joke with friends or play a practical joke on a co-worker, but make sure you know the person well, and be ready to have your target prank you back.

Take a 5-minute vacation. Shut the door to your office, turns off the lights, pop on the headphones, and blasts some tunes. It’s not a thinking time, it’s an only-in-the-music time.  Once your head is clear, your ready to face the next challenge.

Confide in your coworkers. Nobody else understands the stresses of your job better than a coworker.  Venting to a buddy midday can help you remember you’re not alone in dealing with stress, and a good friend can even ease some burdens if you’re feeling pinched.