In February Simon Ricketts, a Hastings graduates of 1993 and now a senior Guardian journalist, dropped a bombshell on Twitter. He was off for an operation. This was no simple affair - one that involved sawing his breastbone in half, opening his ribcage, lowering his body temperature so that his heart stopped and then – through an artery – they had to take blood clots/scar tissue out of his lungs. Late one Sunday evening last month Simon made a little announcement on Twitter. Here it is - an amazing read - and then he disappeared. The best thing that happened today was that he returned. His first Tweet back was 'Sorry I haven't tweeted for a while. I've been queueing for petrol.' His second told the story of what he has been up to since that last Tweet. A fantastic read and fantastic news. Welcome back.
You can follow Simon on @SimonNRicketts