Having finished my daily office I clicked on my mail system only to find five copies of the same mail purporting to come from Amazon.com:
Dear Customer,
Your order has been successfully canceled. For your reference, here's a summary of your order:
You just canceled order 180-8136-8531 placed on May 12, 2012.
1 "Relativistic"; 2008, Special Edition
By: Ifor Phillips
Sold by: Amazon.com LLC
Thank you for visiting Amazon.com!
Earth's Biggest Selection
Knowing that I don't use Amazon.com and safe in the knowledge that although I have to hurry to make sure that I don't miss out, I have safely stored the $20,000,000 that has been left to me by a distant relative in Nigeria, I initially sighed and headed to the 'delete' button. Then I remembered a call a couple of weeks back from someone who'd opened a mail from a mutual acquaintance that had installed a variety of lovely little things on their machine and emailed all their contacts.
Can I please advise those who read this blog to avoid opening anything that looks suspicious (or comes from someone you don't know and has a header that looks odd)?
Please take care with emails and the inheritances, cancellations and wonderful free offers that abound for there are many naughty people out there looking to abuse your trust and manipulate your address books (and use your credit card detail too!).
Happy (and safe) Saturday