Oldies* - the Church's most valuable asset

Some ten year's back I happened across a new book by Michael Apichella entitled, 'The Church's Hidden Asset (Empowering the older generation)' and a very helpful read it was too. It was a conversation about 'getting the older members to do stuff' that got me thinking about how they see themselves and how others see them.

As we find ourselves regarding those people who are Church more often than not we encounter the 'seasons' approach. Spring is full of potential and promise and how we move into Summer with all the blooming and the energy and activity. Summer starts to fade and we see a decline in energy and the wonderful displays turn to something just a little less than the whole that is Autumn. The hint of decline picks up and soon we come to Winter where all is barren and the once flower-filled fields and displays are now nothing but leafless, unproductive and seemingly lifeless creations.

The church is full of older people and this week, talking with someone from another denomination, I heard tales of multiple congregations of older folk with the average age of the congregations in the late sixties, early seventies group. Tales of (terminal) decline and more funerals than baptisms were, to be honest, pretty depressing and the saddest thing was that everything I heard supported the missioner's cry:
"Churches die old but grow young!"

The saddest thing was that this conversation, when joined to a couple of other conversations, painted a picture of people who came to 'their' church and were now just 'waiting for God'. In each and every conversation there were churches which were full of people who had once done and were now 'too old'. Not only that but they were 'too old' to let others come in and make the church vibrant and effective in their communities for as much as they longed for growth and new blood, they wanted church to continue to exist as they had known it and as they wanted church to be.

We have a group for the older people running in the church I belong to. The organisers recruit, support and manage the sessions without any input from the mainstream church. They put out the tables, book the speakers, do the catering and wash-up afterwards. The interesting thing is that those who run the group are, to quote one of the members, 'No Spring chickens'.

I travel to a good many places where I see the older people organising and doing in the church and community and this is something that I think we are missing because we fail to mobilise and engage the older members. After all, many of them have been sitting in their pews or seats for a good many years and know what Church looks like (although they don't always seem to have heard or read the majority of the Bible and many struggle to get into prayer and daily study of the word for themselves (perhaps because they haven't been taught to?).

A couple of points to take on board:

1. Children are not tomorrow's Church, they are the Church of today!

2. Older folk are not yesterday's Church, they too are the Church of today too!

A simple clue as to when you are too old to be doing stuff in Church are the words 'earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust'. When these have been said over you then it's O.K. to consider stopping doing things in Church (and start considering worshipping before the throne).

But until then - if you're breathing then you're still available to do a job.

Open your arms to new members, make the church inviting (and this means having an inviting congregation) and be willing to try different stuff - after all, the wrinklies that were around when you started at church probably thought you were outrageous too!


The term '*oldies' is one that I keep coming across in some quarters. One of the reasons for this is perhaps the magazine that bears its name and perhaps it is this that now sees many older people referring to themselves as such.

"Wrinklies' is a term used by someone in their early seventies who mentioned how when they joined the church many, many, many years ago the older folk, whom they referred to as 'wrinklies' were in fact probably much younger than they are now. It emphasises (for me at least) the fact that we are all tomorrow's older church members.

HTH and apologies for any offence that might be caused by the terms.