I have been reading the Church in Wales review document and take from it much that I consider to be extremely positive and helpful as we rethink 'Church' in our particular brand label.
The mobilising the laity to fulfil their baptismal calling and become a full and effective member of the church family to which they belong has already been addressed and so we will move on.The concept of larger ministry areas is in many ways a return to the Minster model of doing church whereby there is a centralised support structure and a group of churches in relationship with each other and with the centre. The interesting thing here is a rationalisation of those churches which remain in that the situation where, if we were honest, unsustainable churches would vanish and with it the heavy workload of sustaining these spiritual 'money pits'. My take would be that where there is growth or potential for growth then we should do all we can to keep the banner flying, but we need to stop throwing good money (and time) after bad! A recipe for tears I am sure but a necessary step I fear.
So here's you starter for ten.
How do you see the potential changes running out in terms of mobilising people, rationalising parishes and reducing the buildings?
Have a go - you never know who's reading your comments (as I have found out again recently ;-) )