Same-Sex Marriage - Rowan and Church 'embarrassed'!

Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, has been extremely critical of Prime Minister, David Cameron over the 'embarrassment' to the Church over the issue of same-sex marriage. Rowan points to the fact that the Church has been given firm assurances that no pressure would be brought to bear on it regarding conducting such services. The problem comes about with the fact that all have the right to be married in Church; of course 'marriage' here is taken as a word which relates to the joining of two people (one of each sex).

Of course, changing the definition of marriage to include same-sex couples means that one could extrapolate this to say that all couples (homosexual and heterosexual) have the right and there is (as Rowan puts it) the potential for a bit of a tangle!

He (Rowan) also says that the Church should have pressed harder for civic equality and it was wrong in not doing so and I not only agree with that but also feel in the civil partnership the means of creating a legally recognised partnership has been given and so see the redefinition of marriage as divisive and unnecessary (not a popular view with some I'm sure). Take this and the fact that the Church of England has (quite surprisingly) nailed its colours to the mast over this issue) and it's obvious that there is a collision on the way - especially when those ConDem(ed) Coalition pair of quasi-believers (Cameron and Clegg) play their 'bigot' cards on this issue.
(note. They aren't the bigots, this term is reserved for those who don't see things their way ;-) )

Seems to me that Rowan has pitched his complaints about right and the efforts of a confused, people-pleasing bunch who fail to see the differences between civil and faith related issues (and condem those of faith who make a principalled stand) are seeking to divide the nation and deconstruct the constitution too! Something which, as our nation becomes increasingly secular will see it losing the elements that have made it socially caring and compassionate.

Well done Rowan, it's good to see some leadership for you as your swan song, your words on public theology and political integrity of late have been an encouragement and a joy. Just a shame you didn't sing earlier and louder!