James 5 - What an ending

Yesterday our time with the book of James (the oldest of the New Testament books as he was martyred in 62 AD) drew to a close and he left us as he has been with us - growing and considering our Christian life.

We've considered the many ways in which our faith needs to be worked at. Compared tongues with rudders on ships - both relatively small and yet both are able to lead us onto the rocks. We've thought about giving and having and being and at last, thankfully, have reached the end of the book and can relax.

Let's say goodbye to James as he signs off with a blessing and greets the brethren (as Paul would have done). What? No way, he’s going down with all guns blazing as he tells us just how powerful prayer is and how we need to be accountable to one another. How prayer is effective and being in communication with God is the perfect network as we engage in ‘Pray as you go, anytime (it’s as if He was in the room with you it’s so clear' communications mode. And the network – U3 (of course)!

Prayer is about relationship – for too many live their Christian lives by ‘faith’ and yet neither engage in conversation with the other party (GOD) or have an relationship with Him! Try living with someone who doesn’t communicate – it’s a recipe for disaster and people would say, “That’s not a marriage!” – and yet we, as Christians do the same in out faith life!

That what our services are – two-way communications sessions. We sing songs to Him (and He to us), we read His word (and he talks to us about them) We talk to him (a quick prayer is enough) and He talks to us – continuously throughout the service – or do we.

It’s easy to pray when there’s problems

Easy to praise when you’re happy

But if you’re sick – call the elders?

If you've sinned – call on one another!

If we need rain – pray like Elijah (well not at the moment perhaps). ​

Prayer isn’t just about asking for things but it is communication. It is about being in relationship. It is about communication and conversation – it’s gossiping to God and hearing wisdom too!
Now, when there’s two or more of us (which is all about being a legal witness) we are considered by some to be Church and have Jesus in the middle.

Now I know the power of prayer triplets – when three get together and pray and agree (which isn’t what it sounds like – it is about one-mindedness not uttering 'I agree with you' noises), when we share good and God bad and God’s salvation.

So if you're reading this (and some people do I reckon) then it's time to find two others and pray with them for people you'd like to see come and join with you in the struggle (and for some the struggle is church itself!). It's time to form a triplet and pray for that person with needs and praying expecting to see those needs met!

And going to church? One of the best reasons for going is share stories of successes and learn from the failure of others. You are being successful aren't you?