The ship isn't sinking!

So the measure to consecrate women was lost and instead of the high church and reform types throwing toys out of the pram it seems we have a different bunch doing so!

And the comments about leaving or not exploring ordination and making puerile comments about how they can tell infant daughters that they can be 'fully enabled' members of the Church are all rather hollow and sad I fear.

I have to be honest and say that I thought that the measure would be carried and am more than a little surprised but all it does is give us five to seven years (apparently) to concentrate on other things and undoubtedly by then the measure will pass and those who seek pointy hats will just be that little more experienced.

In the meanwhile what the Church of England needs to do is concentrate on evangelism and Bible stuff rather than navel-gaze and witter on about 'equality' and how the laity are out of touch with the church. In case people have forgotten, the laity ARE the Church and perhaps the issue is that the houses of those collared types are the ones who should have made better cases and communicated (and provided for those who were against women in the episcopacy) better.

This merely a bit of a shock (and I know I'm not a woman but that doesn't diminish my view) and a cause to reflect, pray and care for those who have been wounded - not call others to arms and attack the perceived enemy. Especially as many of those who voted against the measure appear to have been women too.

Nothing, not height nor depth nor power nor principality, nothing in heaven or below the eart; nothing future, present or past can separate us from the love of God.

So how's about we share it?