Its a given, not everyone is tall and thin and runway skinny. Some folks are shorter and may carry a few extra pounds. Whatever your story, that shouldn't stop you from looking good in your clothes.
An ill fitting suit, even a pricey one will through your desired look off. Here are a few tips to help out our shorter, thicker brothers out.
Be honest with yourself. Admit you're short and buy short-length suits.
An ill fitting suit, even a pricey one will through your desired look off. Here are a few tips to help out our shorter, thicker brothers out.
Be honest with yourself. Admit you're short and buy short-length suits.
• Wear a pocket square. It brings the focus to your chest, not your belly.
• A lower button stance creates long lines, essentially stretching you out.
• Show some cuff to lengthen the look of your arms.
• A pant leg with very little break will help you look taller.
• Big man, solid shoe. Choose shoes that have a substantial sole. You need something to anchor your weight.