Township fast food outlet

I seem to be getting to know more and more township spots to go and grab something for lunch (see Tsisha Nyama and Beef stew and liver).  There are also a number of places I've been shown where you can stop for a snack like vetkoek or roosterkoek, amongst them the container near Red Location Museum where this lady works.  They make the most divine roosterkoek (bread rolls made on the coals) - R1.50 plain and R1.80 buttered - and mini verkoek (dough that gets deep fried) - 20c each.  We've stopped there a couple of times while out and about for work and I have never been there where there wasn't other people buying from her at the same time.  In the pic she was cutting chips to serve with deep fried fish.  Some people will probably pull up their noses at the thought of buying food from places like this, but I promise you it tastes just as good and you get it at a fraction of the price.