The news that Mark Stibbe has stepped down from his position as leader of Father’s House Trust (FHT) has left me saddened and also strangely encouraged.
The sadness that he has chosen an 'inappropriate' relationship with someone outside of his marriage to Alie is obvious and deep and the departure from his post (and one presumes his marriage too) only widens the impact of the act. The impact of this on the children (and Alie) is not only emotional but, of course, financial too and to this end a 'compassion fund' has been established to help Alie and the family pay their bills and continue to live. It is this act that I find encouraging, after all - as James tells us - to merely say, "Oh dear, how sad - let's pray for them," is to make our faith weak and ineffective. Prayer, counselling and moral support are all good but there is also the need to be additionally practical (for the other three are exactly that) and help with the cash bit too!
So, if you want to stand in the gap:
1. Pray for the family,
2. Pray for Mark and the journey that has led him to this place and the potential for restoration,
3. Pray for FHT and all those associated with it and other aspects of Mark (and Alie's) ministry,
4. Stick you hand in your pocket and post* a donation (or contact and find out how you can do it using BACS or giftaid)
A sad piece of news indeed.
*Cheques can be made payable to ‘Watford Community Church’ and marked ‘Compassion Fund – Stibbe’. Please send these and any other encouragements you may have for the family to 1 Wellspring Way, Watford, WD17 2AH.