The newsquiz - Olivia's 14.5 to beat

Yours truly with Mail trainees Emily Davies, Jaymi McCann, Olivia Williams (with her scratchcard prize), Francesca Infante, Aisling Scally, Sara Smyth, Hannah Ellis-Petersen, Liv Lee and Simon Murphy.
I have just finished my second week with the Daily Mail reporting trainees. They had a good few days covering the Olympic Parade, finding Mail stories, drawing up a newslist and last night we met up with former trainees at the Brass Monkey in Victoria. Next week they move from PA Training's offices to Northcliffe House where they will spend time with Mail journalists. As always, we finished off the week with a newsquiz. Olivia Williams won the scratchcard for the second week in a row with 14.5. Francesca Infante was once again second with 13.
The Telegraph trainees, who began their course at PA's training centre in Howden on Monday, also did the quiz. Their top score was by Dan Johnson with 13 points. There are 21 points up for grabs this week. See how you get on.

1. What is Dendrobium Memoria?

2. Following the huge success of 50 Shades of Grey, what term has been included in the Collins online dictionary?

3. Who had a wardrobe malfunction at the Olympic Parade?

4. Andy Murray won the US Open at Flushing Meadows this week. He was the first Briton to win a Grand Slam Men's Singles tennis tournament in 76 years. Name the winner from 76 years ago.

5. What is the name of Andy Murray's girlfriend?

6. Monopoly has produced a special edition to commemorate which wartime scientist?

7. According to QS's rankings, which university has knocked Cambridge off the top spot in the Global 'league table'?

For a bonus - Oxford and Cambridge are named in the Top Six along with two other UK universities. Name one of them.

8. Tom Cruise watched which production at the Globe Theatre this week?

9. How many lives could have been saved according to the Hillsborough panel?

10. The Hillsborough disaster was at an FA Cup semi-final between Liverpool and which other football team? 

11. The Attorney General will decide whether to order a new inquest into the Hillsborough deaths. Who is the Attorney General?

12. Derek Jameson, one of Fleet Street's legends, died this week aged 82. Name two of the three national newspapers he edited.

13. Why was Ryan Harris in the headlines?

14. Brendan Barber is retiring as General Secretary of the TUC. Who is his successor?

15. Joseph Moran was jailed for six and a half years for rape by Nottingham Crown court. His 22-year-old victim was thrown off a late night bus for not having her fare. How much money was she short by?

16. England's Word Cup qualifier against Ukraine narrowly won the TV ratings on Tuesday night with 5.4 million viewers - but which BBC 2 programme gave the football game a run for its money with 4.6 million?

17. Residents of Portman Avenue were shocked to find what in their street?

18. Who has been appointed Ambassador of the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games?

19. Nick Clegg's speech on same-sex marriages was edited so that the word 'bigots' was removed. What was it replaced with?

20. Which publication is being sued for running the headline 'Get lost, you rich prick'?